SmartCode Web Forum

Keyboard Problem

By Paesmans - 9 Mar 2006

We are trying to integrate ViewerX inside a Delphi application.

We have tried to do in in 2 ways, everything works fine but in both cases, no keyboard events are passed to the NVC Client.

The same in VC++ works fine but we can't use that solution.

-We have embeded the ActiveX in a Delphi Form. No Keyboard

-We have an embeded IE inside our application. We have an html page that works in IE directly but when the IE in embeded in our application, no Keyboard events. We have no problem when embedding ThightVNC Java applet in the same conditions.

Any pointer or solutions?



By Yury Averkiev (s-code) - 9 Mar 2006

this is known Delphi bug. Try to search Google groups with keywords like Delphi ActiveX keyboard, you will find plenty of posts regarding the problem. Several customers has contact us about this problem and all of them were able to workaround the bug. I'm not a Delphi guy, but from what I remember the fix includes redirection of keyboard messages from a Delphi from to an ActiveX control hosted on it.