By facedepoulet - 6 Aug 2010
Did you ever notice that an "ORDER BY" last used ip fails. If you have PCs from x.x.x.1 to x.x.x.20 it will display this way :
x.x.x.1 x.x.x.10 x.x.x.11 x.x.x.12 x.x.x.13 x.x.x.14 x.x.x.15 x.x.x.16 x.x.x.17 x.x.x.18 x.x.x.19 x.x.x.2 x.x.x.20 x.x.x.3 x.x.x.4 x.x.x.5 x.x.x.6 x.x.x.7 x.x.x.8 x.x.x.9
What can be done to resolve this order by/display bug ? Hope it will be OK in latest releases ...
Best regards.
By Yury Averkiev (s-code) - 6 Aug 2010
Hi, thank you for reporting the problem. It has been fixed. The fix will be included in the next build.