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SmartCode VNC Manager v5.5 Released

By Yury Averkiev (s-code) - 5 Apr 2010

Changelog   Download   Purchase

Customers who purchased the product on or after Apr'6th 2009 are entitled to the v5.5 update at no extra cost.

What's New

New: Re-engineered VNC Viewer

One of the VNC Manager's most widely-used features just got better. The new VNC viewer in the v5.5 offers faster rendering speed, lower CPU% usage, and adds support for Ultra and Cache encodings.

VNC Viewer performance in v5.5
New: VNC Thumbnails View "Gen2"

SmartCode VNC Manager was the first application to introduce VNC thumbnails View feature. It's by far the best VNC Thumbnails View implementation available on the market today. Version 5.5 introduces brand new VNC Thumbnails View Gen2 engine.

VNC Thumbnails View Gen2

The new implementation addresses two of the most popular customers’ requests: ability to handle hundreds of VNC thumbnail items and resize them to up to 512x512 pixels.

New: VNC Viewer with Auto-Reconnect

You asked for it – add “auto-reconnect” support to the VNC viewer so I wouldn’t have manually re-establish a VNC session while a remote computer or a VNC server is restarting. You got it!

VNC Viewer auto-reconnect
New: Reboot computer into Safe Mode with VNC access enabled

Someday you might have a problem with a computer, which would require booting the computer into Safe Mode in order to fix the problem. But what if this computer is located hundreds of miles away? The answer to this problem is to reboot the computer into Safe Mode with VNC access enabled.

Reboot Computer into Safe Mode with VNC
New: Start, Reset, and Reboot Microsoft Hyper-V Server Virtual Machines

The new version extends support for Microsoft Hyper-V server. Use the Connect to Hyper-V Virtual Machine window to start, shutdown, pause, or resume your Virtual Machine. The same commands have been added to the Hyper-V Thumbnails View.

Reboot Computer into Safe Mode with VNC
But that's not all...

Checkout the Changelog page for the complete list of the changes and new features in the v5.5