The VNC Manager was the first application to introduce VNC thumbnails view. The v5.0 offers by far the best VNC Thumbnails view implementation available today. One of the most frequent feature requests that we are hearing is to ability to resize VNC thumbnail items larger than 256x256 pixels. The reason for the 256x256 limitation in the v5.0 implementation is because the VNC thumbnails view is based on the Windows ListView control, which cannot show icons larger than 256x256.
Another popular request is ability to 100+ items with reasonable CPU usage. Both of these requests are going to be addressed in the next build. We are in process of rewriting VNC thumbnails view from scratch. Windows ListView control has been replaced by our own in-house build component. So the 256x256 limitation is going to be thing of the past. For now we are going artificially limit the maximum size of the VNC Thumbnails View items to 512x512. But depending on the customers feedback this number could be increased.

With regards of the reduced CPU usage, this has been addressed as well. The screenshot below show the new VNC thumbnails view with more than 120 items added. In the CPU usage as shown on the screenshot is only around 15-20%. How cool is that?!
When the v5.5.5.0 CTP build releases next week we would be really interested to hear what you think about our new VNC Thumbnails View Gen 2.