SmartCode Web Forum

[NOT A BUG] Losing sessions in SmartCode VNC Manager when terminal services is used

By afiore - 6 Oct 2009

We use SmartCode VNC Manager to support our training classes.  Some students are local and some are remote.  The remote students use terminal services (RPP) to connect in to our local workstations which have been se up for the training class. When the remote students connect in, the instructor loses the VNC Manager session for that machine and the student must then while in session, start the VNC Server.  I have sent this to the technical support folks and was wondering if anyone else has this as an issue (or is it just me)???  Tongue
By Yury Averkiev (s-code) - 6 Oct 2009

Hi Anthony,
this is actually not a problem but a VNC server software "by design" behavior. The VNC Manager has nothing to do with this.

Here is page that actually explains why the disconnect occurs: