SmartCode Web Forum

Hyper-V Server Thumbnails View Screenshot

By Yury Averkiev (s-code) - 22 Jul 2009

We are currently wrapping up work on the next VNC Manager v5.0.6.0 Beta build. This build is going to include a very cool new feature - Hyper-V Server Thumbnails view. With Hyper-V Thumbnails View you will be able to see screens of all Virtual Machines running on a remote Hyper-V server. Of course it will be possible to monitor more than one Hyper-V server at once.

Upon establishing connection to a Hyper-V server the VNC Manager will automatically start monitoring creation and deletion of Virtual Machines. So if you create a new Virtual Machine on a Hyper-V server it will automatically appear in the thumbnails view.

Stay tuned for more updates!!!