[BY DESIGN] Filter Subfolders not working for Linked Active Directories (v6.5.1.0)

Jared Pickerell
Jared Pickerell
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First, I just want to say a big "Thank You" for the Linked Active Directories" feature added in 6.5! I previously imported my computers from AD using the AD structure but every time I changed an OU, name, description, etc in AD I would have to change it in VNC Manager (or delete my imported computers and re-import). Having a direct link to AD that keeps in sync with any changes made in AD is fantastic!

But, there seems to be a small problem. The "Filter Subfolders" search option doesn't seem to work with a Linked AD. Typing in a search term only searches the open/selected OU, no sub-OU's.

Since you added the "Filter Subfolders" option, I almost exlusivly find and connect to my computers that way, so that one little feature is a huge productivity enhancement for me. For now I will continue to use my imported AD folder structure but I will switch over to the linked AD feature as soon this issue is resolved.

Thanks for your great product!

-Jared Pickerell
Edited 14 Years Ago by jpickerell
Yury Averkiev (s-code)
Yury Averkiev (s-code)
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Hi Jared,
Thanks for feedback!

Current implementation of the Quick Filter features, show computers that have been already fetched. It doesn't pull entries from an AD to perform filtering.

This would explain why you think it doesn't search in sub-OUs, it because computers for those OUs haven't been fetched.

We are planning to implement "fetch from AD and filter while your are typing" feature in our of the upcoming builds.

What you can do, for now, is to select the All Computers folder and then use the Quick Search feature. But I understand that this is not the perfect solution and there is an extra step involved.

Yury Averkiev, SmartCode

Edited 14 Years Ago by Yury Averkiev (s-code)
Jared Pickerell
Jared Pickerell
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Thanks for the info. I look forward to the "fetch and filter" option in the future. Do you have any plans for when that may be included in a release?

This functionality would be useful as sometimes I only want to search a certain subgroup of my AD tree and not all machines. For now, searching using the  "All Computers" folder or by searching the old way from my previously imported AD folder structure will work.

Yury Averkiev (s-code)
Yury Averkiev (s-code)
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I'd want to say that it should be available quite soon. But we do have other higher priority features in the pipeline.
But in any case, it should be out in November.

Yury Averkiev, SmartCode

Jared Pickerell
Jared Pickerell
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Checked on this in the 6.8.3 release and see that it still functions the same way. The "Filter Subfolders" feature does not search subfolders in Linked Active Directories. Not a huge deal as I still use my imported AD under the "My Registered Computers" folder but it would be nice to be able to search my Linked AD folder so that I don't have to keep the imported structure in sync with the real thing.

Any idea as to when you might change this?

Jared Pickerell
Jared Pickerell
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Looks like the filter functionality for linked ADs never got changed to allow for this. Any chance it is still in the pipeline for future releases?

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