[BY DESIGN] Sql auto refresh not work

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We use 3 "smart-code" same time and we have  auto refresh parameters  every 1 minutes but it's don't work

If my collegue change the type of configuration on one computers (dameware to vnc for example), i don't see the change, I'm force to manual refresh

thanks, jerome
Edited 14 Years Ago by junix
Yury Averkiev (s-code)
Yury Averkiev (s-code)
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Thank you for your feedback!

For the time being that's how the featiure is supposed to work. It doesn't poll DB for the changes.

We are planning to add support for configuration changes polling in one of the upcoming builds.

Yury Averkiev, SmartCode

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ok, :-)

With this change the product will be perfect BigGrin
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Have these changes being made in the product or still they are planning to make changes?And if they are yet planning to do so then till when these changes will be made?
Edited 14 Years Ago by tinelritz
Yury Averkiev (s-code)
Yury Averkiev (s-code)
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tinelritz (10/20/2011)
Have these changes being made in the product or still they are planning to make changes?And if they are yet planning to do so then till when these changes will be made?

it has not been implemented yet. We are relesing Linked Active Directories feature next week. With that feature out of the door we will have more time to spend on other features, such as DB auto refresh.

Yury Averkiev, SmartCode

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Thanks for informing me about it.

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