UltraVNC Repeater

Supreme Being (207 reputation)Supreme Being (207 reputation)Supreme Being (207 reputation)Supreme Being (207 reputation)Supreme Being (207 reputation)Supreme Being (207 reputation)Supreme Being (207 reputation)Supreme Being (207 reputation)Supreme Being (207 reputation)
Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 5
I need some help with using the UltraVNC Repeater, we have it set up for Mode II to be used with the SmartCode solutions. It is set up on a server that is out on the internet with ports 5500, 5900 + 5901 all open to it. We can connect with UltraVNC Server + SmartCode Server to the repeater and it shows up on the log. We can then use SmartCode Viewer or UltraVNC Viewer and connect; the problem is the speed. To say it is slow would be an understatement, it connects and waits for about 3-5mins before showing the screen. It then takes about 3-5mins to do a normal refresh as well. I'm wondering if I have the setup wrong or if it just does not like transmitting through NAT - NAT communications. Which is what I thought it was build for in Mode II?

Any help would be appreciated!


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