SmartCode VNC Manager v3.6 Released

Yury Averkiev (s-code)
Yury Averkiev (s-code)
Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 1.9K, Visits: 3.6K
This new release introduces several enhancements and fixes, such as:
  • It is now compatible with Windows Vista.
  • Inheritable registered computer properties. While the previous versions of the VNC Manager had this feature partially implemented, in the v3.6 we took it to the next level. In the v3.6 all registered computers can be inherited from a parent folder or from the global settings.
  • Integrated Windows Registry Editor that allows editing registry on a remote computer.
  • Secure logon credential templates.
  • VNC Thumbnail view performance optimizations.
    • It’s now possible to select high-quality and low-quality rendering modes for the thumbnail items. With the low-quality mode taking about 15-20% less CPU.
    • The update of thumbnails no longer starts updating at the same instant. So the CPU hit when several thumbnail items start fetching remote screen is gone.
  • Faster application start-up. The VNC Manager starts up to 70% faster than the previous versions.
  • UltraVNC Select Single Window support.
  • External Tools and Action scripts allow to specify optional user logon credentials (RunAs functionality).
  • User-defined properties that can be assigned to a registered computer. These properties can be used as a variables in the External Tools.
  • The new Quick Filter feature allows you to easily filter the registered computers list content.
  • Computer Status Scan enhancements.
  • other minor enhancements and bug fixes.

Customers who purchased a VNC Manager license on or after 7th March 2006 are entitled to the v3.6 update at no extra cost.

Features  Screenshots  Download  Purchase

We would like to sincerely thank everyone who assisted with the testing of this release. We look forward to further updates and the continual development of SmartCode VNC Manager.

If you have any questions regarding the new features or the availability of SmartCode VNC Manager v3.6 please don't hesitate to contact

Yury Averkiev, SmartCode


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