Windows Error Reporting (WER) Support

Yury Averkiev (s-code)
Yury Averkiev (s-code)
Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)Supreme Being (214K reputation)
Group: Administrators
Posts: 1.9K, Visits: 3.6K
Windows Error Reporting (WER) is a set of Windows technologies that capture software crash data and support end-user reporting of crash information. An end user experiencing a crash is shown a dialog box that asks whether to send an error report to Microsoft. If the user chooses to send the report, then Microsoft Windows Error Reporting (WER) collects information about the application and the module involved in the crash and sends the encrypted information to a secure server at Microsoft. In some cases, additional data is also collected in a .cab file and sent with the report.

Starting from the VNC Manager (Enterprise Edition) v3.6.15.0 we are going to register all the future builds with Windows Error Reporting web site. So if the VNC Manager crashes on your computer, please do submit the error reports to Microsoft. We will be able to access your reports and analyze them.

Yury Averkiev, SmartCode


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