i tried ViewerX and it works great.
But in the examples there was no explanation how to addthe UltraVnc repeater function in HTML-Code.
Can someone give me an example HTML-Code where i can enterID and repeaterproxy to etablish a connection like the Free Web-based VNC Viewer-Pagehere on s-code.com? ( http://www.s-code.com/products/viewerx/webvnc.aspx 
Thanks for help
<object classid="clsid:62FA83F7-20EC-4D62-AC86-BAB705EE1CCD" id="ViewerX" codebase="/download/cab/viewerx.cab" width="800" height="600"> <param name="HostIP" value='ID:123'> <param name="Port" value='5900'> <param name="ProxyType" value='3'> <param name="ProxyIP" value='xpadc1'> <param name="ProxyPort" value='5901'> <em>Your browser does not support ActiveX controls. Use Internet Explorer to view ViewerX demo page.!</em></object>